Success Stories
Village Development Through Coffee Agribusiness
Part of Latimojong Mountain which is well-known for its Toraja coffee, Kurra Coffee in West...
BioSlurry Business Generates Extra Incomes and Employment
In addition to biogas for domestic energy, biogas digesters also producea byproduct called...
Project Completed in Kurra
Implemented since July 31 2019, a collaboration project between Institute for Society Research and...
Ritma Green Makes Commitment To Sustainable Coffee Challenge
Ritma Green is committed to facilitate sustainable coffee production by joining The Sustainable...
Ritma Green is Assisted By PUM Netherlands
To improve its performance on coffee production and marketing, Ritma Green is assisted by PUM...
Ritma Green is Proud to be a Finalist of Asia EDGE Ag-Energy Prize
Ritma Green is selected as one of ten finalists of the Asia EDGE Ag-Energy Prize 2020 under the...
Manipi Cooperative Completes Verifications for Social Forestry Permit
Manipi cooperative, assisted by Ritma Green is in the final stage to obtain its social forestry...
Products Marketing Facilitated
Green beans, roasted coffee, and ground coffee (Bontocani Coffee) produced by Bontocani Bumdes
Bontocani Coffee
Green beans, roasted coffee, and ground coffee (Kahayya Coffee) produced by Mitra Mandiri Kahayya Cooperative
Kahayya Coffee
Green beans, roasted coffee, and ground coffee (Kurra’ Coffee) produced by Kurra Bumdes
Kurra Coffee
Green beans, roasted coffee, and ground coffee (Toraja Coffee) produced by Sarong Samaturu Farmer Group
Toraja Coffee
Green beans, roasted coffee, and ground coffee (Manipi Coffee) produced by Manipi Cooperative
Manipi Coffee
Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee seedlings produced by Manipi Cooperative
Coffee nursery of Manipi Cooperative
Arabica coffee and Robusta coffee seedlings produced by Buttu Puang Forest Farmer Group
Arabica coffee seedlings produced
Bioslurry – based foliar fertilizer and compost produced by BioM2
Biogas-based foliar fertilizer